You are prepared to attempt these intermediate techniques if you have perfected the basic routine.
Every exercise below should be completed in two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. After a minute of rest, proceed to the next exercise.
Completing timed rounds is an additional, more sophisticated strategy. For example, perform each exercise for one minute and do the circuit twice.
Every time you finish the program, set a goal for yourself to get only one or two extra reps. But don’t forgo proper form in favor of more repetitions. To lower the chance of damage, it is preferable to do fewer repetitions while maintaining good technique.

You may perfect the form of a standard bodyweight squat by removing the chair.
However, the same motion still applies in this case. By pushing your butt back and hinging at the hips, picture yourself seated in a chair.
Forward and backward lunge

You’ll increase your stability, suppleness, and balance by moving rather than remaining motionless throughout a lunge.
- Leap forward with your right leg while keeping your feet together.
- Step back into a backward lunge after pushing off the forward leg to return to the starting position.
- To get back to the center, push off the back leg. This is one repetition.
This is equivalent to one rep. Do this on your right leg ten to fifteen times, and then on your left leg.

Use a superman to work out your lower back and the entire backside of your body. To benefit from this move, move as slowly as possible.
- With your arms and legs outstretched, lie on your stomach.
- Maintaining a neutral neck position, use your back and core muscles to raise your arms and legs as high as they will go while doing so.
- After a one-second pause at the top, gradually descend to the starting position.
Kneeling squat

Kneeling squats are excellent for maintaining your legs and glutes under constant strain, which intensifies the heat.
- Lower yourself into a squat. Throughout this motion, you won’t stand at all.
- One by one, lower your knees to the floor until you are kneeling.
- Keeping your squat position, return each foot to the ground one at a time.
- As fast as you can while keeping proper form, repeat.
Plank with alternating leg lift

You become unstable when you add a leg lift to a standard plank, forcing your core to work harder and your three limbs to bear greater weight.
Raise one leg, hold it for five seconds, and then lower it back to the floor. Do the same with the other leg.
Dead bug

Use a dead bug to work your deep core muscles.
- With your arms out in front of you and your legs on the tabletop, begin reclining on your back.
- Make sure your lower back remains level on the ground as you drop your right arm above your head and the heel of your left leg toward the ground in a coordinated action.
- Repeat with the opposing arm and leg after returning your leg to the tabletop and placing your arm in front of you.
Kneeling side plank with hip abduction

Hip abduction is also an upper-body workout because it involves holding your body up with your knee and your extended arm. It also further recruits the core.
- Using your elbow to support your body, kneel on your left side. With hips pointing forward and knees in line, bend knees to a 90-degree angle.
- Raise the upper (right) leg, then stop and bring it back down.
Do 10 to 15 repetitions, then switch to the opposite side.