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Ideal solutions to overcome not losing weight despite exercising… Adopted as a lifestyle

The problem of not losing weight despite exercising remains a bewildering phenomenon for many, although they continue to exercise effectively to lose weight, they are disappointed.

Generally speaking, before identifying the reasons and the best solutions to get rid of this problem, a report was published via the British newspaper Sun, according to a professor of health sciences at the University of South, Australia; The human body consists of fatty mass and muscle mass, namely bones and muscles.

Fat also has much more energy, but it also requires more energy to burn fat. Energy out of the body must be greater than the energy in it through food to lose weight. Fat loss needs more energy than the body needs to lose part of the lean mass.

From this point of view, let us inform you of the reasons for not losing despite exercising in detail, how to overcome this problem, and lose weight healthily; Based on the advice recommendations therapeutic nutrition to you what she said.

Not losing weight despite exercising is associated with these causes

At the outset, the aforementioned information published via the British newspaper “Sun” explains weight stability; Many are surprised not to lose weight despite exercising, following diverse diets and leaving their favourite meals. What prompted them to, leave diets, exercises and return to the wrong eating habits. In order not to fall into this trap, learn with us about the main causes of this problem, as follows:

Follow the stereotype for a long time

During diverse diets, most women or girls are exposed to a very common problem, namely weight stability and non-loss of weight despite exercise; This problem occurs after a long period of rigorous diets, and therefore the body is accustomed to a lack of food or what is known as a “starvation or deprivation” condition.

Eating foods unconsciously

Eating foods, however unconscious, will prevent the brain from sending saturation signals to the stomach, resulting in overeating foods during and between meals, especially after exercise, thereby exceeding the number of daily calories and weight gain.

Not eating enough proteins

Proteins play a big role in weight loss, as they are responsible for providing a long-term sense of satiety after meals. It also helps to raise the burning rate and build muscle; Eating them in small quantities may encourage them to lose weight despite exercising.

Eat a lot of carbs

Recent studies have shown that low-carb diets such as keto diet or locarpe system help to lose weight more than traditional diets that rely on reducing calories and fat by two to 3 times, so consult your therapist to take advantage of these systems during exercise.

Non-adherence to diet during exercise

Not adhering to your health diet during exercise contributes to not losing weight

The majority of women or girls believe that they are committed to diet while exercising; But reality is completely different, as they often suffer from an eating disorder that can amount to forgetting what they ate during the day.

Non-observance of healthy food quotas

The majority of women fall into the trap of overeating foods classified as healthy, especially during exercise; This classification makes them overeat them, which we thought would not cause weight gain.

Food sensitivity

Some women or girls experience the sensitivity caused by eating certain foods. Eating these foods, while intolerable, can lead to the body’s entering into a defensive state that results in the storage of foods in the form of fat and reduces the incineration rate in the body and consequently does not lose weight in spite of exercising specifically. Notably, among the most popular allergenic foods are “legumes, carbonate, lactose-containing dairy products, and gluten-containing cereals.

Not sleeping well

Poor sleep habits despite constant exercise lead to weight stability or increase including watering, as well as sleeping during the day instead of at night, and sleeping in a quiet and non-dark place.

Hidden Medical Reasons

The reason for not losing weight despite exercising may be because a woman or girl has a disease she does not know exists, such as “high cortisol level, adrenaline, hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus” and others

Perfect solutions to end your struggles with not losing weight despite exercising Finally.

The most ideal solutions, you can follow to overcome the problem of not losing weight despite your exercise, are as follows:

Take advantage of the ideal solutions offered as a lifestyle rather than a temporary phase in order to end your struggles with not losing weight despite exercising

  • More than drinking water every day without boredom.
  • Don’t stop yourself from taking enough healthy sleep.
  • Be committed to knowing calories in healthy foods and recommended rations, this includes all types of foods including vegetables, fruits, nuts, meat etc.
  • Focus on eating main meals and snacks, and stay away from any distractions during eating, especially before and after exercising such as “TV, phone or music.”
  • Put on a diet according to your body nature and state of health, as well as identify the right types of exercise for your body with specialists and not otherwise.
  • Keep an accurate track of the calories assigned to your body’s nature and state of health.
  • Organize your exercise, and consult your fitness instructor to change your exercise according to the number of kilograms to be lost.
  • Always apply stress reduction strategies, such as the practice of “yoga, meditation”; This can help you lose weight during exercise and in a non-direct way.
  • More than eating fibre-rich foods specifically, they function like magic to lose weight while exercising.
  • You can follow the intermittent fasting system, as it contributes to consuming less calories while keeping muscle mass and increasing metabolism during weight loss and exercise simultaneously.
  • Set aside steady time for main meals and snacks, and prevent any food or drinks on other occasions than water before or after exercising.

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