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In 4 weeks, this Abs Challenge will help you strengthen your entire core

Your most powerful core ever will be developed with the help of this 30-day abs challenge.

This 30-day abs challenge will help you develop your strongest core to date because it combines cardio and strengthening activities.

Complete the 30-Day Abs Challenge How it works:

This 30-day abs challenge follows a different plan for every week. To ensure that you not only finish the activities you are given but also keep improving over the month, make sure you carefully read the directions for each week.

Week 1 of the Abs Challenge

The 30-day ab challenge’s first week’s activities are included here, along with directions for each exercise. You will perform 30-second sets of plank reaches, mountain climbers, and toe reaches on ab days. A few days will also be dedicated to sprints and high-knee cardio bursts. Give yourself a day off on Day 7 to recuperate.

Toe Arrives

  • Raise your hands and legs toward the ceiling while lying flat on your back.
  • Raise your shoulders off the floor and extend your hands to your feet while maintaining an engaged core. Then, return your shoulders back to the floor.

For 30 seconds, repeat. 

Lemon Squeezer Exercise

  • Raise your hands and toes off the ground while lying flat on your back, extending them apart.
  • Pulling the knees into the chest and extending the arms forward, sit up, then lie back in extension and reset.

For 30 seconds, repeat.

Plank Up-Downs

  • Begin on the floor with your feet hip-width apart, knees bent and stacked squarely beneath your hips, and your hands stacked directly beneath your shoulders.
  • Squeeze your glutes together and engage your core as you raise both knees off the floor and straighten your legs to form a high plank position on your palms. Keep your head and heels in a straight line and actively push yourself away from the floor. This is where you start.
  • To enter a forearm plank, bring your right elbow and then your left elbow down to the floor while maintaining a square hip position. To get back to a high plank, place your right hand under your right shoulder and then your left hand under your left shoulder.
  • To achieve a forearm plank, repeat the plank up-down with the left side leading. Lower your left elbow to the floor, followed by your right elbow. To get back to a high plank, place your left hand under your left shoulder and then your right hand under your right shoulder.

For 30 seconds, repeat. 

Mountain Climbers

  • With your shoulders over your wrists, your fingers wide apart, your feet hip-width apart, and your weight on the balls of your feet, begin in the high plank position. From shoulders to ankles, your body should be in a straight line.
  • Brace your core, raise one foot off the ground, drive your knee to your chest fast, and keep your back flat while looking between your hands.
  • Start with your foot again, then go to the opposite leg. Rapidly switch between driving your knees in toward your chest like you’re running.

For 30 seconds, repeat. 

Week 2 of the Abs Challenge

Leg drops, alternating toe touches, dead bugs, and scissors are this week’s ab exercises. Each set will last 45 seconds. There are two cardio days and four ab days, just like in the 30-day ab challenge rotation from last week. Day 14 will thereafter be a rest day.

Leg Drops

  • With your hands beneath your butt, your legs straight out toward the ceiling, and your core active, lie on your back.
  • Lower your legs and stop a few inches above the floor while maintaining a straight posture, your feet touching, and your core active. Then, bring yourself back to the beginning position.

For 45 seconds, repeat. 


  • With your legs straight out on the floor and your hands supporting your butt, lie on your back. Raise your right leg and gesture up at the ceiling.
  • Raise the left leg to indicate the ceiling while lowering the right leg.

Repeat, switching legs, for 45 seconds. 

Dead Bugs

  • Lay on your back with your arms reaching up toward the ceiling, your legs in a tabletop position, and your calves parallel to the floor.
  • Hover one leg an inch off the ground and extend the other arm back, then switch sides and come back.

Repeat, switching sides, for 45 seconds. 

Alternating Toe Touches

  • With your legs straight and your arms by your sides, lie flat on your back on the floor.
  • Touch fingertips to toes by reaching up the left arm and right leg. Change sides and lie back down.

For forty-five seconds, repeat. 

Week 3 of the Abs Challenge

You’ll have four ab days, just like in the earlier weeks of the 30-day ab challenge. (Remember to complete two sets on Days 18 and 19!) You will perform side plank rotations, opposite arm/leg lifts, banana rolls, and Russian twists for one minute. On Day 21, take a nap.

Side Plank Rotations

  • Step into a side plank with your feet stacked and your elbow on the floor beneath your shoulder.
  • On both elbows, turn downward into a forearm plank.
  • To return to a side plank on the other side, turn around.

Repeat, switching sides, for one minute.

Banana Rolls

  • With your arms raised and your legs out from the floor, lie on your back in a hollow hold.
  • Keeping your arms and legs off the ground, turn over onto your stomach.
  • Roll back after maintaining Superman posture.

For one minute, repeat. 

Russian Twists

  • Your hands should be in prayer as you sit with your sacrum on the floor, legs raised to a tabletop position, and back off the ground. Tap your right elbow to the floor as you twist to the right.
  • Tap your left elbow to the floor as you twist to the left.

Repeat, switching sides, for one minute. 

Opposite Arm and Leg Lifts

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and begin in the high plank posture.
  • Raise and extend your right leg and left arm, then switch to the other side.

For one minute, repeat. 

Week 4 of the Abs Challenge

You’ve reached the last week of the 30-day ab challenge! A little different, you will perform side plank leg lifts, resistance band bicycle presses, resistance band plank jacks, kneeling medicine ball chops, kneeling medicine ball slams, and bicycles throughout the course of five abs days. Burpees are added to the mix on cardio days, and your standard sprints come next. Additionally, you’ll receive a well-earned day off. You will then complete all of the core exercises in the 30-day ab challenge for 30 seconds on the last day.

Resistance Band Bicycle Press

  • Place the resistance band around your feet while lying on your back in a tabletop position. Lean back with elbows out and hands behind your head.
  • Extending the left leg, reach the left elbow toward the right knee. To push your feet apart from you, press the band.
  • Change sides, twisting the shoulders and driving the opposing knee in.

Repeat, switching sides, for 50 seconds.


  • With your elbows out and your hands behind your head, assume a tabletop position while lying on your back.
  • Extending your left leg, reach the left elbow toward the right knee.
  • As you switch sides, rotate your shoulders and drive the opposing knee in.

Repeat, switching sides, for 50 seconds.

Resistance Band Plank Jacks

  • With a resistance band around your ankles, begin in a high plank posture with your feet together, legs outstretched, and hands beneath your shoulders.
  • Put your feet together again after leaping into a wide stance.

For fifty seconds, repeat. 

Kneeling Medicine Ball Slams

  • With a medicine ball on the floor on your right side, begin in a tall kneeling stance with your knees hip-width apart.
  • Lift the ball above your head.
  • On the other side, slam the ball down.

Repeat, switching sides, for 50 seconds.

Side Plank Leg Lifts

  • With your right arm straight beneath your right shoulder, your left hand on top of your hip, your legs out to the side, and your feet stacked, begin by performing a side plank.
  • Slowly raise and lower your left leg.

For fifty seconds, repeat. Repeat after switching sides. 

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