You may want to build strong muscles and have an attractive look, but you’re busy working or you can’t go to the gym, and you may not want to go to them for any other reason, but you can still build muscles at home without equipment!
Yes, you can, but in different ways, you can build muscle without going to the sports club, by starting to do body weight exercises, with nutrition that is suited to your physical goals.
Body weight exercises to strengthen muscles at home
Body weight exercises are easy to do anytime, anywhere, and do not require equipment. While your workouts can be customized according to your fitness, these exercises are one of the most prominent muscle building methods without going to the gym.
The most important body weight exercises you can do at home to strengthen your muscles:
1. Push-up:

Pressure exercise is a first-class home workout, requiring no equipment, and can be practised as follows:
- His practice begins in Planck status; Shoulders over wrists and shoulders on straightening with heels.
- Bend the elbow backwards 45 degrees and slowly drop towards the ground.
- Lift yourself up to maintain Planck’s posture.
- Repeat that.
Make sure your elbows are at a 45-degree angle, and avoid bowing at a larger angle on both sides during descent.
2. Mountain Climber:

Muscles can be built without weights. A mountain climbing exercise is a highly helpful exercise. It is practised as follows:
- Start placing Planck; Shoulders above wrists, with the body straightening from shoulders to heels.
- Dig one of your knees against your chest, and then return immediately to Blanc’s position.
- Move the other knee towards your chest, then immediately return to Blanc’s position.
- Swap your knees as soon as you can.
- Don’t let your hips rise upwards or fall, and keep your shoulders over the wrists while pushing your body up.
3. Squats:

Squat exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the lower body, and can be practised as follows:
- Stand with your feet open so that they are shoulder width itself.
- Lower the hips back and down like you’re gonna sit in a chair.
- Go down as low as possible without losing the natural bend of your back.
- Push through your feet to get back to standing.
- Repeat the exercise while making sure the lower body and abdominal muscles are fully functional during the exercise.
4. Flight Exercise:

This exercise is one of the most important men’s fitness exercises. It strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, as well as the lower body muscles. The following is how to practice it:
- Lie on the floor facing it with straightened legs and arms in front of you, thumbs up.
- Tighten muscles in the upper back, leg and buttocks, to lift arms and legs a few centimeters off the ground.
- Keep it, then lower the body.
- Repeat that.
- Your chest and legs should be brought away from the floor while keeping your shoulders relaxed away from your ears, staring towards the floor and slightly forward to maintain your spinal position.
5. Burpees:

If you want to do body exercises without equipment, you may find your stray in Exercise Burby, which is practised as follows:
- Take squats and place hands under shoulders.
- Jump your feet back to land at the top of the pressure position or blank.
- Lower your body to the ground, then push yourself up, then jump with your foot and lift your hands over your head.
- Landing down gently.
- repetition.
- The back should not be straightened during exercise.
How to design an effective home workout program?
You can design a home workout program that helps you achieve your goals, build muscle without going to the sports club, by:
1. Determine the number of exercises:
It’s important to determine how often you train each week, and what types of exercises you’re going to do, because it makes you organize your workouts as best as possible.
For example, beginners can lift weights twice a week, but if you’re fitter, it could be three or more exercises.
2. Determine the number of repeats and groups:

Identifying groups and repetitions is the most important step in designing a home training program,
the biggest influence on your results, and to understand the terms:
– First:
Size, which is the total amount of work you do, and you’ll need more size if you want to build muscle or improve your stamina.
– Second:
Intensity, you’ll need more intensity if you want to get stronger.
Size and intensity are inversely proportional, and when you train more, you will not be able to use the same weight or load, and vice versa, and it is necessary to know this to develop a program that is aligned with your goals.
Generally, try to perform at least 10 groups per muscle or movement pattern (such as squats, pressures or otherwise) each week, dividing this through multiple exercises.
Most trainers are recommended to practice 6 – 12 muscle amplification groups, regardless of the number of repetitions per group each week.
3. Cardio exercises
They are exercises that do not require any equipment, such as walking or cycling, and can be exercised at the end of your workouts.
Simple household equipment you need to build muscle
Some simple household equipment can be acquired to help build muscle without going to the gym. Examples include:
- Resistance bar.
- Jumping rope.
- Bar.
- dumbbells.
- treadmill.
There are other equipment, but the choice of which depends on the nature of the exercises you wish to exercise and the goals you wish to achieve at the fitness level.
Appropriate nutrition tips for building muscle at home:
Not only are muscles built with exercises, they need a personalized diet that helps muscles grow, here are the best tips for achieving the best results:
1. Protein:

2.2g of protein should be obtained per kilogram of body weight per day; If you want to build muscles, protein provides essential amino acids that are used to build muscles.
For beginners, you should try to get 3.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, during the first six months of your workout, because this is when muscles respond as quickly as possible to workouts.
Dependence on fat-free animal meats is preferred, providing the necessary amino acids to build muscle, such as:
- Eggs and dairy.
- chicken.
- Turkey.
- Beef.
- Fish.
2. Eating every 3 hours:
A meal with high-quality protein and carbohydrates is preferred almost every 3 hours, to ensure a steady supply of energy and amino acids arrives for muscle growth throughout the day, helping to gain muscle mass and increase body agility.
3. Choose the appropriate carbohydrates:
It is recommended to take 4.4 – 6.6 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per day. Carbohydrates are the second most important after protein for muscle building. Carbohydrates are stored in glycogen that they feed from during workouts.
Dependence on slow-digesting carbs, such as whole grains, oats, legumes, sweet potatoes or fruits and vegetables, is preferred.
4. Eating healthy fats:
20 – 30% of daily calories should be sourced from healthy fats. High-fat diets maintain testosterone levels to a better degree than low-fat diets, and maintain homeopathic levels of testosterone is essential for muscle building, increasing their strength and avoiding increased body fat.
It is preferable to address:
- red meat.
- Avocado and nuts.
- fatty fish, such as salmon.
- Linseed oil.
- olive oil.
- Peanut butter.
- Walnuts.