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Six Steps Back In Time To A Young Age

We will go back in time. six facts about nutrition that will make you look 20 years old. Follow me and you will gain a lot. A very important episode about going back in time. 

What does the age of 20 mean? your energy is high, two, your skin is clear and there are no signs of aging. Your three vital organs are fine, four are your concentration and your mental acuity, no Alzheimer’s or forgetfulness, and the last thing is that your muscle mass is healthy. This means that I am 20 years old.

How do I know these six things? first of all, take or increase antioxidants, and what do you know about the role of antioxidants? we are getting old in appearance, I mean the skin, in fertility, sperm or egg life, we are getting old, our hair is failing, the intestines are not healthy, all of this is because of the increase in free radicals in the body.

So if you got rid of it with the presence of antioxidants. You will live in a stable healthy body and fertile state.


What are the greatest antioxidants ever? Vitamin C. What do we eat?

The chaga mushroom. it is a type of fungus, but it is amazing in the amount of antioxidants. Tell us something easy?!

Berries are antioxidants. Some nuts are antioxidants. Green things contain antioxidants. Wheatgrass, barley grass, ginger, and turmeric. All of these are antioxidants, but very strong. Stronger than all countries. Who doesn’t know cloves? Cloves and cinnamon. Cinnamon is stronger than cloves. All of these are antioxidants.

You know some Countries of Asia who use a lot of spices. You find them carrying huge things and going up to the tenth floor without anything. He eats a little rice and turmeric.

They don’t look weak and their hair is also long because of the antioxidants.

therefore Increase the antioxidants in your body to maintain your skin, immune system, hormones, and digestive system for the longest possible period.

Omega 3

if it is present in the body, what happens is:

  1. Decreased inflammation in your body.
  2. The formation of the cell membrane is reduced, it becomes much better, meaning the wall around all the cells, bone, eye, liver, kidney, leg, and many, everything, this membrane is healthy.
  3. The third thing is that your body is not affected by ultraviolet rays if you are exposed to them for long periods For the sun and most important of all, your energy, the energy of the cells, will be in its best form.

If you maintain Omega 3, this will also give us a reason or the thinking of people who live on the coast they live a long time.

one of the most important things and reasons is that their health is good and they are younger, Omega 3 in fatty fish takes us to our twenties. Increase the beneficial fats, and the most important thing in them is Omega 3. Pay attention to Omega 3, and the fish skin is what contains Omega 3. 


the third point is muscle mass. if someone has good Muscle mass when he is 70 years or she is 50 years old, You will find he or she has health and energy exactly like that of young people in their 20s and 30s.
So to control muscle mass, you must pay attention to proteins. These are two required things. You eat proteins, meaning you eat fish. Organic chicken meat, egg whites, whatever proteins, mushrooms, all kinds of proteins that you know, this is the first part, and this is the easy part for many people. Yes, I eat meat every day, isn’t this the way it is? Since protein is digested, it requires strong stomach acid, so divide it into two parts. Eat proteins and digest them with digestive enzymes, or half a spoon or a small spoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water after the protein meal. This will help you maintain your muscle mass.

The Fourth Point : Water

Water, and what do you know about water? When I don’t drink water for one day, my face starts to look like it’s not normal, something is wrong. Water is life. Why? When you drink water in an appropriate amount, your skin remains plump and soft and not dry.

 Imagine that when your entire body is filled with water, you feel better energy. The muscles work better, and you don’t get Exhausted and your energy is better. the body is hydrated, meaning it is full of water in a good way.

The Fifth Point: Vitamin C & D

These are the great nutrients, or the two greatest ingredients in all foods for the skin or collagen, two things:

Vitamin C:

must be adequate in order for collagen to form. In order for the skin to renew itself well, and for immunity to remain good.

Vitamin D:

hormones, antioxidants, the immune system,  and the reproduction of cells, including the skin and hair. Therefore, for those who do not have vitamin D, their hair falls out, but we must maintain vitamin D all the time. The year is at a high level to maintain my youth and return to the youthful age of 20 and vitamin C for my collagen and my skin and immunity.

The Six Point: Microbiome

This microbiome is what determines immunity. It is what determines cell division. It is what determines your nervous mood. It is what sends signals through the Vegas nerve or the tenth nerve. It tells the brain to be calm, relax, secrete the happiness hormones, live a happy life, and enjoy the moment. thanks to The living bacteria.

When your body doesn’t have enough good bacteria, bad bacteria can thrive. Autoimmune problems and digestive issues, heartburn, the absorption will not be good, and You’re in a bad mood.

most importantly proteins, will not be good, so your body will start to fall, the muscles will start to go away, and the energy will start to go away. Preserve the living bacteria.

eat fermented foods, which are pickles, take sauerkraut, or apple cider vinegar, or live bacteria every six months on an empty stomach. It will make a huge difference in going back in time to the last point.

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